Saturday, July 2, 2016

Update: Feeling Slumped

Between solo vacations with Sagan, Craig out of town, shoes that made me think I was injured, 90F+ temps  and now the valley is filled with smoke from the Trailhead fire, needless to say my training is not going to well.

So with all those excuses on the table I also just feel like I could care less about qualifying for Boston at Bizz Johnson.  I still intend to run it but won't worry too much about that magic finish time. 

My weekly mileage over the last year.  Lately my weeks have been all long runs.

So I guess if I really want to make this article helpful to me I should focus on my successes.

I am faster!  I am shockingly faster.  I missed my Magic Mile so I don't exactly know how much faster but every single time I run I get course records for segments on Strava.  By far the best source of confidence for me was a segment I ran near my house.  I knew it was a 0.8 mile segment going into it, but I had no idea how other people had done on itt.  I am still thrilled with my performance and that was on June 2nd! On top of that I am only down seconds from first place overall (that first guy is really on a bike!) 

My PR!
My Time Overall (1st place doesn't count its a biker)

I am lighter! I am a lot lighter.  I am down to 159lbs.  That is how much I weighed when I got married.  I actually happen to be wearing my wedding shirt in prep for my run this afternoon.  Its a white shirt, perfect for a hot days run!  I did really well from January to mid April.  That is a very long time to count calories.  I haven't been doing a very good job with it since then.

I am social. I am thoroughly enjoying running with friends!  These women encourage me, listen to me, cry with me, laugh with me, challenge me, make me a better mom, and hold me accountable.  I don’t know what I would do without my Starfish Mamas.  At the end of May four of us ran a really difficult half marathon.  I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I was of us, it was two of their first half marathons! And all of our first long race post baby #2!  To say that I am giddy with the success of these amazing moms would be an understatement.  The impressive part is not that they found a few hours away to run the race.  The impressive part is the hours these mamas logged waking up early, shoving strollers (doubles mind you, we all met when our 3 year olds were freshly minted and then we all popped out another little critter), remembering diaper bags and snacks, juggling schedules with their sigfigs, and all the other things it takes when you are attempting to train as a mother runner.  And they were doing it multiple times a week for months!!

I guess overall it helps me to remember that I set goals for myself and goals are hard.  If they were easy they’d be tasks.  

My goals were:
1.     To run faster so I have more time with my kids- I am doing it and will continue to do this! I am going to start running at the gym across from my office during my lunch break.
2.     Lose Weight- I am to the point where the scale may not be a good measure of my fitness.  When I got married I was so muscular I weighed the same as I do now.  So here goes another slow breath out: My waste measures 37.75 inches.  Instead of pounds I will begin to chip away at that number.
3.     Friends- I get to see OJ in 2 weeks!  But this sweet lady always comes to me.  I need to do travel to her at least one time!!
4.     Goals- Nothing has changed on this one.  I still want to own my own running goals.
5.     Truthfulness- I have run through my first pair of road shoes.  I am a road runner. A treadmill running road running mother runner.
6.     Competitiveness- This may have been my most arbitrary goal I set.  Andrea is a bad ass!!  I can only hope to come close to her times!
7.     Bizz Johnson- I am not sure why but I kept putting off registering for the race.  But procrastinate no more!  I just registered!
Right Smeagel is winning a lot lately.

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