Thursday, December 31, 2015

Half Way Mark

I am half way through my weight loss training plans so I thought I would give y'all an update.

Found this Nature Tracker while I was running and convinced her to pace me! It wasn't too hard she wanted to stay in front.
As a quick reminder here were my original plans:
The Plan:
Monday Tuesdays- Rest days
Wednesday, Friday, Sunday- Run with the app
Thursdays- Boot camp at the gym
Saturday- Long Trail run.

How it is going:
My first long run.  I hadn't been on Halo trail since I was ~5months pregnant!

So far using Red Rock Apps to run has been huge in motivating me. I feel like I can breath again while exercising and my weekly mileage is up. Where I am not doing so well is my Thursday night workouts and Long runs. The Thursday workouts are hard and I excused myself the first time because it was Christmas day. I have also missed 2 long runs now because of driving too and from San Diego over Christmas. So while I am behind I am still plugging away.
Half of a bootcamp workout.  Blurgh!
Boot camp class was small so I got to
pick my own partner!

Moving Forward: I skipped my Monday Tuesday rest days this week so that I could catch up a bit on the workouts I missed over Christmas and I will also have time to do an extra long run this weekend. I will take one day off next week instead of two so that I can get an extra bootcamp class in. I am plugging away and thoroughly enjoying it.

How I feel: AWESOME! I no longer fit in any of my
Mommy and me Yoga
(this was before I started this journey but I loved
it so I wanted to fit a pic in somewhere!)
maternity clothes which feels freaking AMAZING! I am in an old pair of jeans and can zip up my coat now without breathing in. Not sure how much I have actually lost weight wise. I am not dieting/checking my weight on purpose because I am still exclusively breastfeeding Sagan, I don't want to risk my milk supply by reducing my caloric intake. Instead I have upped my protein intake and am choosing to eat healthier foods and chocolate.

Highlight:  I have to say that the best moment of this entire adventure so far has been when my friend Nadine told me that she downloaded the same app and had just picked up a treadmill. Ya know that whole imitation/flattery thing. I am so excited for her too!
Little blustery family hike while Dad is running.

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Linnea is absolutely obsessed with the cartoon Dinosaur Train.  Do you know how long she has been watching that cartoon? Less than 4 months. That is not even 12 percent of her life. And the obsession goes so far that she tells her brother that she is taking him to pteranodon station in some part of the triassic time period. My not yet 3 year old thinks saying these things are normal.

Linnea showing me her collection while
looking forore to add!
It is so ingrained in her psych that every single time we go for a walk, hike, grocery store or just walk down the hall to her bedroom she looks for fossils to add to her collection, just like on the Dinosaur Train.

What truly smacked me about this rapid take over of her imagination was just how normal dinosaur train is in our lives. Like there was never a time without it.

That is exactly how I want exercise to be for Linnea and Sagan. Normal, like there was never a time without it.

I come from a large family and have watched all of the struggles that go along with being an over weight person not only with myself but also people I love. But nothing about being overweight could prepare me for watching my father battle type II diabetes and lose.

In his defense he had a confirmed case of
Dancing with my Dad at my wedding!
diabetes caused by exposure to agent orange during Vietnam. But his inability to manage it, mostly related to diet, led to two lost legs, kidney disease, high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks, and ultimately an early death at 63.  He battled with the disease for roughly 20 years but the last two were awful. Multiple hospital stays that lasted for weeks. A second lost leg. Dietary restrictions that were incomprehensible. Medication regiments that were a game of what caused the least negative interactions. He  even had to live in a nursing home just to deal with normal things like showering. He couldn't do them on his own thanks to diabetes. It was awful to watch  someone you love think he might die alone tjaet night.

It was so hard for me to watch my father be in a medically induced coma and intubated more times than I can count. But the absolute worst part of it all was knowing it was preventable. Or in his case at least manageable.

So how does that tie into the dinosaur train? Linnea already doesn't remember a life where dinosaur train wasn't a part of it. That is exactly how I want exercise to be for both her and Sagan. I want being in shape to just be a routine thing you do everyday, like looking for fossils in your bedroom.

My friend Annie told me one
Fossil from my run this morning. 
time this little saying about parenting regarding how we were raised versus how we raise our kids: "When we know better, we do better."

While that might not have been why I started running years ago, it is such a huge motivation for me today. It is physically easier to be whatever size I am, but I know better so I will do better.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

This Mother Runner is Going to Justify the Boston Marathon to Herself

I hate running roads.  

If you have ever trained with me you have heard me say a million times "I will never run a road marathon.  Why would I ever do that to myself?”

Well over the course of the last few weeks I have been trying to determine exactly what being a Mother Runner means to me.  In doing this I have come up with several reasons why training for a ridiculously untouchable road marathon is exactly what I will do with my next 11 months.  

Justifications in a very particular order
(most important to me first):

1. Time & these two cute kids I made
I have always run for pure pleasure. The pleasure of being in the forest or on a mountain or aimed at a waterfall or to see if I could run ridiculous miles or to be able to drink as many beers as I want or to be able to smell the outdoors and clear my head and chocolate.   But never was it about time.  That was before Linnea and Sagan.  Now my time is so precious that if want to run for all these reasons, I need to run faster.  I need my 4 mile runs to take 36 minutes not an hour.  I need those 24 minutes for blocks and playing bands and wearing necklaces and eating another pretzel or giggling and spinney circles or wiping boogey noses  and reading little blue truck for the third time in a row and cuddles. Mostly for cuddles!

2. Weight 
So here goes.  Today I weigh 190.7lbs.  Whew.  Glad that is over.  I've never weighed this much before on my own and thankfully I get to blame this little snorty thing sitting on my lap right now and a little bit on his big sister too.  But just because I get to blame them doesn't mean they are going to help me get back to my pre-baby size.   Running will help and running faster will do it even faster, with the added bonus of giving me more time with my two cuties.
3. Friends
My best friend lives in Boston.  I shouldn't have to set a ridiculous goal for myself in order to visit her but oh well I am. I am not making her run it with me like I did my wedding, so there is that.  You are welcome OJ! (But you can if you want!) Shameless plug:   OJ’s awesome journalism.  

4. Goals
In the last decade I have not set a running goal for myself that wasn't either inspired by Craig or something Craig was doing with me.  I want to own my own running goal.

5. Truthfulness  
Here goes something I really don't want to admit to myself.  I rarely run on trails anymore.  I am lying to myself to say that this stroller pushing mother runner trains on trails.  I may love trails and set aside special runs just to be on them, but I don't sprint out my front door to a trail very frequently anymore.  I do sprint out my front door behind a jogging stroller all the time! 

6. Competitiveness  
I love a little arbitrary competition.  Every race I do I pick out someone in a pink tutu and my entire goal in that race is to beat it.  Several years ago my friend Andrea and I started running ultras together.  We were similarly paced and ran/raced with similar finishing times frequently. Well 3 years ago I started having kids and this awesome runner hired a running coach.  Andrea ran Boston 7 months ago.  Here is her Race Report.  So in the name of arbitrary competition and not so arbitrary inspiration:   If Andrea can do so can I darn it!!

7. Not running Boston  Bizz Johnson is a trail marathon that happens to be a Boston qualifier only 1.5 hours from my house.  Did I just say I can qualify on trails?  Heck ya I did!!   Qualifying is all I really care about, who would want to run a road marathon anyway? They suck!!  Bizz Johnson or bust baby!!  (I can not be held accountable for changing my mind about this justification.)

The Plan:  Beginning Monday I will spend the next 8 weeks focused on weight loss running.  (Wednesday really, remember those two cuties I made?) Here is my training plan: Mondays and Tuesdays are my rest days due to mommy and me gymnastics and breastfeeding group already on those days.  Not ideal for running but very ideal for mommying.  Wednesday, Friday and Sunday are intervals.  Thursdays are gym days with a strength training boot camp and Saturdays are my long, hopefully trail, run. 

The Stuff:  I am going to use the app Running by Red Rock Apps for my interval days.
And I just bought myself new Hoka’s.   Road Running Hokas just to be clear.  Not trail shoes!  Blasphemous I know, but they are beautiful and only $50 at Eclipse Running!

Accountability:  Between 11/30/15 and 1/24/16 I have 40 workout days planned.  40 is really not much. Even if each workout is 1 hour (which they aren't.)  It only equals a full work week of exercising over the next 8 weeks.  I can totally do that, I've done races longer then that.  A friend of mine is on her own weightless journey and she posts a fraction on Facebook of weight loss / goal weight.  I am going to do something similar but with work outs completed.  Work out #/ 40.  I’m not too worried about the final weight just that I end up with a body I can zoom in.

So in Linnea's words: TA DA!!!!  This is how this trail running mother runner is justifying nearly a year of training devoted to the Boston Marathon.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Who Was That?

With my 3 year old smashed into my back and my 3 month old cocooned into my stomach, I stare into the flickering light made by a dim plastic candle and wonder if I can look at my breastfeeding app yet. Has he eaten long enough? Can I  go back to sleep yet?   I'm trying my hardest not to think about the 3 hours and 9 minutes I have left until my alarm goes off. An alarm set for the first time only 3 mornings ago as in tears I talk with my husband about the 25lbs of baby weight that make it difficult for me to run.  

Motivator #1

Motivator #2
A few weeks ago a friend started a blog about her mommy journey which made me go back and read my own blog from years past. Today I can't help but wonder who that women was that got to set number of peak goals for her Saturday runs.  Runs that lasted from sun up to well past sun down. Who was this person that got to enter race lotteries and sprained her ankles on trail runs like it was cool? Who had a burrito place on speed dial for her post long run food? Whose collection of race bibs now sits in a ziplock in the closet and only gets added to once a year, for a Breastfeeding fundraiser 5k.

She seems so far away. Yet reading every single one of her blog entries, while tuning out more episodes of Dinasour Train then you should ever have to listen to, I was excited for her. I wanted to run like her. I missed her. That's when the tickle of the idea of having to be an alarm setting treadmill runner set in. I can't believe I'm actually considering waking up to run, not so I can run for 12 hours, but for 30 minutes. And on a treadmill? Horrors!!   The women who wrote those articles would have preferred to be lost running around the same block for 7 hours, on pavement, wearing running clothes that weren't cute, with only peanut butter flavered gels, before she would have ever considered any form of speed work.  

I guess these are the things that are making me realize that if I want to be a runner still I have to be a "mother runner." And deciding to set an alarm for 5:30am to run on a treadmill must be part of that journey.  

So here's to toddlers, babies, supportive husbands, and mother running. Let the miles begin!!

(BTW who knew you could watch TV on your phone while treadmill running? That other lady didn't! Seados 1 Episode 3 of Orange is the New Black here I come!!)